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About Me

My name is Allison Soeung, and I am a Sound Healer and Licensed Sound Therapist practicing in Northwest Arkansas. I'm a Fayetteville native! For as long as I can remember, music and sound has been my passion. I've worked with music and sound to some capacity in my life since the age of six when I started taking piano lessons. I played classical piano consistently until the age of eighteen, when I decided to trade in my piano for a set of turntables! Since the age of eighteen, I've been a DJ where I have performed at events as diverse as night clubs, to music festivals, to yoga studios.

I have always been a dreamer and a believer that there is something more to this reality than we can comprehend with our five senses. In 2015, the sudden and tragic death of my youngest brother brought on what many refer to as a "spiritual awakening". My world was rocked and my eyes opened to the mysteries of the Universe. It was then that I decided I had to take my passion for music and sound and use that to help heal the world. In 2018, I began to delve deeper into the ancient mysteries of music and sound. In addition to rigorous self-study, I completed the Shamanic Star Sound course in December 2019. In November 2020, I completed Acutonics Level 1 training and in January 2021, I received my certification as a Certified Vibrational Sound Practitioner from the Vibrational Sound Association. In March 2021, I became one of the first Licensed Sound Therapists in the state of Arkansas. 

Music and sound are so powerful. We are vibrational beings - all matter consists of atoms in a state of vibration. Sound has the power to affect matter, and the power to heal and transform. I invite you to explore the transformational powers of sound with me as your guide! <3 

©2022 by Sun of Life Sound. The content of this site is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any illness. If you are pregnant, taking medication, or receiving health care treatment for any condition, always consult your physician before trying any complementary or alternative therapy. I do not recommend taking illegal substances, if you choose to do that, you are doing so at your own risk.

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